POST api/KickUps/PostData
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
KickUpsName | Description | Type | Additional information |
UserID | globally unique identifier |
Required |
TotalTime | decimal number |
Required Range: inclusive between 0 and 1000 |
Score | decimal number |
Required Range: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
Accuracy | decimal number |
Required Range: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
isSuccessful | boolean |
Required |
LevelNumber | integer |
Required Range: inclusive between 1 and 15 |
MaxLevelUnlocked | integer |
Required Range: inclusive between 0 and 15 |
GameScore | decimal number |
Required Range: inclusive between 0 and 10000 |
LeftKneeHit | integer |
Required Range: inclusive between 0 and 1000 |
RightKneeHit | integer |
Required Range: inclusive between 0 and 1000 |
LeftFootHit | integer |
Required Range: inclusive between 0 and 1000 |
RightFootHit | integer |
Required Range: inclusive between 0 and 1000 |
LeftPercentage | decimal number |
Required Range: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
RightPercentage | decimal number |
Required Range: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
TotalObjects | integer |
Required Range: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
TotalObjectsHit | integer |
Required Range: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
Trophy | integer |
Range: inclusive between 0 and 3 |
TimeMetrics | TimeDetail |
Required |
FPSMetrics | FPSDetail |
Required |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "UserID": "6748c9b0-3abc-4896-b43c-1372b9fe37a3", "TotalTime": 2.1, "Score": 3.1, "Accuracy": 4.1, "isSuccessful": true, "LevelNumber": 6, "MaxLevelUnlocked": 7, "GameScore": 8.1, "LeftKneeHit": 9, "RightKneeHit": 10, "LeftFootHit": 11, "RightFootHit": 12, "LeftPercentage": 13.1, "RightPercentage": 14.1, "TotalObjects": 15, "TotalObjectsHit": 16, "Trophy": 17, "TimeMetrics": { "EngagedTime": [ 1.1, 2.1 ], "NoUserFoundTime": [ 1.1, 2.1 ], "NoUserFoundCount": 1, "PauseClicks": 2, "PauseTime": [ 1.1, 2.1 ], "WaitTime": [ 1.1, 2.1 ] }, "FPSMetrics": { "AvgFPS": 1.1, "MinFPS": 2.1, "MaxFPS": 3.1, "FPSBelow19Time": 4.1, "FPSBetween19And30Time": 5.1, "FPSAbove30Time": 6.1 } }
application/xml, text/xml
<KickUpsController.KickUps xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <Accuracy>4.1</Accuracy> <FPSMetrics xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:AvgFPS>1.1</d2p1:AvgFPS> <d2p1:FPSAbove30Time>6.1</d2p1:FPSAbove30Time> <d2p1:FPSBelow19Time>4.1</d2p1:FPSBelow19Time> <d2p1:FPSBetween19And30Time>5.1</d2p1:FPSBetween19And30Time> <d2p1:MaxFPS>3.1</d2p1:MaxFPS> <d2p1:MinFPS>2.1</d2p1:MinFPS> </FPSMetrics> <GameScore>8.1</GameScore> <LeftFootHit>11</LeftFootHit> <LeftKneeHit>9</LeftKneeHit> <LeftPercentage>13.1</LeftPercentage> <LevelNumber>6</LevelNumber> <MaxLevelUnlocked>7</MaxLevelUnlocked> <RightFootHit>12</RightFootHit> <RightKneeHit>10</RightKneeHit> <RightPercentage>14.1</RightPercentage> <Score>3.1</Score> <TimeMetrics xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:EngagedTime xmlns:d3p1=""> <d3p1:float>1.1</d3p1:float> <d3p1:float>2.1</d3p1:float> </d2p1:EngagedTime> <d2p1:NoUserFoundCount>1</d2p1:NoUserFoundCount> <d2p1:NoUserFoundTime xmlns:d3p1=""> <d3p1:float>1.1</d3p1:float> <d3p1:float>2.1</d3p1:float> </d2p1:NoUserFoundTime> <d2p1:PauseClicks>2</d2p1:PauseClicks> <d2p1:PauseTime xmlns:d3p1=""> <d3p1:float>1.1</d3p1:float> <d3p1:float>2.1</d3p1:float> </d2p1:PauseTime> <d2p1:WaitTime xmlns:d3p1=""> <d3p1:float>1.1</d3p1:float> <d3p1:float>2.1</d3p1:float> </d2p1:WaitTime> </TimeMetrics> <TotalObjects>15</TotalObjects> <TotalObjectsHit>16</TotalObjectsHit> <TotalTime>2.1</TotalTime> <Trophy>17</Trophy> <UserID>6748c9b0-3abc-4896-b43c-1372b9fe37a3</UserID> <isSuccessful>true</isSuccessful> </KickUpsController.KickUps>
Sample not available.
Response Information
Resource Description
Response Formats
application/json, text/json, application/xml, text/xml
Sample not available.