POST api/BubblePopNew
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
BubblePopLevelNewName | Description | Type | Additional information |
UserzID | globally unique identifier |
Required |
TotalTime | decimal number |
Required Range: inclusive between 0 and 10000 |
Quadrant1 | decimal number |
Required Range: inclusive between 0 and 10000 |
Quadrant2 | decimal number |
Required Range: inclusive between 0 and 10000 |
Quadrant3 | decimal number |
Required Range: inclusive between 0 and 10000 |
Quadrant4 | decimal number |
Required Range: inclusive between 0 and 10000 |
AverageReactionTime | decimal number |
Required Range: inclusive between 0 and 10000 |
AverageResponseTime | decimal number |
Required Range: inclusive between 0 and 10000 |
LevelNumber | integer |
Required Range: inclusive between 1 and 100 |
NumberOfStars | integer |
Required Range: inclusive between 0 and 10000 |
MaxLevelUnlocked | integer |
Required Range: inclusive between 1 and 100 |
LivesRemaining | integer |
Required Range: inclusive between 0 and 3 |
Score | integer |
Required Range: inclusive between 0 and 10000 |
LevelSuccessful | boolean |
Required |
PictureJSON | string |
None. |
BlobLocationURL | string |
None. |
TotalSpecialObjects | integer |
Required Range: inclusive between 0 and 10000 |
SpecialObjectsCaught | integer |
Required Range: inclusive between 0 and 10000 |
TotalBubbles | integer |
Required Range: inclusive between 0 and 10000 |
TotalHits | integer |
Required Range: inclusive between 0 and 10000 |
TotalEnemyBubbles | integer |
Required Range: inclusive between 0 and 10000 |
TotalEnemyBubbleHits | integer |
Required Range: inclusive between 0 and 10000 |
LeftHandHits | integer |
Required Range: inclusive between 0 and 10000 |
RightHandHits | integer |
Required Range: inclusive between 0 and 10000 |
TotalMiss | integer |
Required Range: inclusive between 0 and 10000 |
TotalAttempts | integer |
Required Range: inclusive between 0 and 10000 |
LeftQuadrantCount | decimal number |
Required Range: inclusive between 0 and 10000 |
RightQuadrantCount | decimal number |
Required Range: inclusive between 0 and 10000 |
BubbleLogs | Collection of BubbleNewBubbleLog |
Required |
Pictures | Collection of PictureClass |
None. |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "UserzID": "f2604581-f8b8-4d5e-8515-1b6cbe037502", "TotalTime": 2.1, "Quadrant1": 3.1, "Quadrant2": 4.1, "Quadrant3": 5.1, "Quadrant4": 6.1, "AverageReactionTime": 7.1, "AverageResponseTime": 8.1, "LevelNumber": 9, "NumberOfStars": 10, "MaxLevelUnlocked": 11, "LivesRemaining": 12, "Score": 13, "LevelSuccessful": true, "PictureJSON": "sample string 15", "BlobLocationURL": "sample string 16", "TotalSpecialObjects": 17, "SpecialObjectsCaught": 18, "TotalBubbles": 19, "TotalHits": 20, "TotalEnemyBubbles": 21, "TotalEnemyBubbleHits": 22, "LeftHandHits": 23, "RightHandHits": 24, "TotalMiss": 25, "TotalAttempts": 26, "LeftQuadrantCount": 27.1, "RightQuadrantCount": 28.1, "BubbleLogs": [ { "IsPopped": true, "BubbleType": 0, "WhichHand": 0, "ReactionTime": 2.1, "ResponseTime": 3.1, "LeftQuadrant": true }, { "IsPopped": true, "BubbleType": 0, "WhichHand": 0, "ReactionTime": 2.1, "ResponseTime": 3.1, "LeftQuadrant": true } ], "Pictures": [ { "GameTime": 1.1, "PicID": "e45a5cd8-1245-40eb-acc5-e8faa3d4ecf9" }, { "GameTime": 1.1, "PicID": "e45a5cd8-1245-40eb-acc5-e8faa3d4ecf9" } ] }
application/xml, text/xml
<BubblePopLevelNew xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <AverageReactionTime>7.1</AverageReactionTime> <AverageResponseTime>8.1</AverageResponseTime> <BlobLocationURL>sample string 16</BlobLocationURL> <BubbleLogs> <BubbleLog> <BubbleType>SimpleBubble</BubbleType> <IsPopped>true</IsPopped> <LeftQuadrant>true</LeftQuadrant> <ReactionTime>2.1</ReactionTime> <ResponseTime>3.1</ResponseTime> <WhichHand>LeftHand</WhichHand> </BubbleLog> <BubbleLog> <BubbleType>SimpleBubble</BubbleType> <IsPopped>true</IsPopped> <LeftQuadrant>true</LeftQuadrant> <ReactionTime>2.1</ReactionTime> <ResponseTime>3.1</ResponseTime> <WhichHand>LeftHand</WhichHand> </BubbleLog> </BubbleLogs> <LeftHandHits>23</LeftHandHits> <LeftQuadrantCount>27.1</LeftQuadrantCount> <LevelNumber>9</LevelNumber> <LevelSuccessful>true</LevelSuccessful> <LivesRemaining>12</LivesRemaining> <MaxLevelUnlocked>11</MaxLevelUnlocked> <NumberOfStars>10</NumberOfStars> <PictureJSON>sample string 15</PictureJSON> <Pictures xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:PictureClass> <d2p1:GameTime>1.1</d2p1:GameTime> <d2p1:PicID>e45a5cd8-1245-40eb-acc5-e8faa3d4ecf9</d2p1:PicID> </d2p1:PictureClass> <d2p1:PictureClass> <d2p1:GameTime>1.1</d2p1:GameTime> <d2p1:PicID>e45a5cd8-1245-40eb-acc5-e8faa3d4ecf9</d2p1:PicID> </d2p1:PictureClass> </Pictures> <Quadrant1>3.1</Quadrant1> <Quadrant2>4.1</Quadrant2> <Quadrant3>5.1</Quadrant3> <Quadrant4>6.1</Quadrant4> <RightHandHits>24</RightHandHits> <RightQuadrantCount>28.1</RightQuadrantCount> <Score>13</Score> <SpecialObjectsCaught>18</SpecialObjectsCaught> <TotalAttempts>26</TotalAttempts> <TotalBubbles>19</TotalBubbles> <TotalEnemyBubbleHits>22</TotalEnemyBubbleHits> <TotalEnemyBubbles>21</TotalEnemyBubbles> <TotalHits>20</TotalHits> <TotalMiss>25</TotalMiss> <TotalSpecialObjects>17</TotalSpecialObjects> <TotalTime>2.1</TotalTime> <UserzID>f2604581-f8b8-4d5e-8515-1b6cbe037502</UserzID> </BubblePopLevelNew>
Sample not available.
Response Information
Resource Description
Response Formats
application/json, text/json, application/xml, text/xml
Sample not available.